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Proofreading & Editing

Download AcademicResearchSample


We start by looking at the prompt/topic, then the requirements, and compare the paper to determine if it meets all the guidelines. We also look at organization, layout, any style formats (APA, MLA, etc.), grammar, and overall readability.


What we do

In addition to what is listed above for every paper we work on, we perform the following:

  • If present, we will remove and replace any sexist language.
  • Remove and replace any contractions and / or colloquialisms.
  • Clarify meaning and readability quality where necessary.
  • Hone the abstract, introduction, or thesis statement so it clearly introduces the paper.
  • Offer advice based on your existing outline or draft.
    • If neither exists, we will offer help on how to get started.
  • Look for signs of unintentional plagiarism.